Week 1 Notes
Week 1 Notes#
Keep an eye weekly pages as they might be updated throughout the week.
Welcome to week 1! Since we are just getting started your notes content is pretty light right now. But remember, I will be updating the weekly notes page as the week progresses. Check back at least once or twice each week (Tuesday’s and Thursday’s before class are probably the best time).
Our first class on 9/28 (technically week 0) is more or less an overview and introduction. However we will discuss a few things that you might find helpful. So if you miss the first class, please watch the recording (or at least skim the slides!).
Read the syllabus and start thinking about the type of project you want to engage in for the quarter.
Start reading
Start thinking about project ideas to share with your group
Week 0 Thursday#
Weekly Readings#
- Readings